Travel Tips for Families with Kids

Traveling with Kids


If you’ve ever taken your kids camping for a weekend, road-tripped to see grandma or grandpa, flew on a plane with your kids for a week’s vacation getaway, I’m sure you know that it’s no easy task. Same goes for Rv’ers. However, I will say, the more exposure a child gets with traveling, the better traveler they become. The younger you start traveling with your kids, the better. Because they will grow up with that being a normal part of life, will know what to expect and have better coping mechanisms for being outside of their comfort zone.

I think that’s the most beneficial aspect of traveling with kids, giving them exposure early on to getting comfortable in the uncomfortable and unknown. This is something we have had to learn as adults and it would have been a whole lot easier learning that concept as a child.

So let’s get into the nitty gritty. You ARE going to be traveling with kids and start getting them that exposure, but how will you make it the best scenario possible? First of all, not every road trip is the same however, we all do pretty well pretty consistently.

Finding what works for your family is key and we want to share with you what works for ours.

Longer road trips surprisingly, are better. We believe it’s a mindset thing. We always talk about our road trips the days leading up to our travel day, how long they will be and where we are going to. When the kids mentally prepare for a long trip, they typically do better. We don’t normally stop for food, only for gas and restroom breaks. I always pack snacks for the drive which typically include:





Fruit rolls




Sparkling water

Honest juice


Rx bars



Linked below is our perfect trifecta, though. The kids take a fruit roll while mom and dad grab an RX bar while we all quench our thirst with a nice cold honest juice. Mmmmmmmmm. That's the road trip (and hike) GOAT snack for our family!!

1 —

Bear Fruit Rolls

2 —

RX Bars

3 —

Honest Juice

A Typical Road Trip

 Our road trips are typically 6-9 hours, the kids will take about 2 naps each, will use the restroom every time we stop for gas (2-3x), beg for candy and junk food every time we stop and continue to be disappointed every time we don’t, play their educational games that don’t require internet, argue with each other, play with Forest (we’ll do a dedicated post to traveling with pets as well), draw some master pieces, ask some questions we all look up answers to, talk as a family and solve life’s problems, play a game of alphabet or two, go live and hang out with our online friends and talk about what we’re excited for at our destination or what our favorite things were about the place we just left! WHEEWWW. But yeah, that pretty much sums it up. haha!

Just go with the flow. Listen to your family’s needs and travel at that pace. This is what works for us but know it doesn’t work for every family. Find what works for you and share it with us! We love hearing how other families travel!

Stay safe out there friends and remember, be the change!!


What We Learned Winter Camping in an RV