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Dark Sky Expedition

On Halloween 2022, 13 families joined together in the desert of Joshua Tree California, to explore the dark sky above us & so much more!

Starting the day with morning yoga followed by a kids craft for all ages! Crafts included a homemade telescope, a reverse tie-dye t-shirt, a constellation jar, and dreamcatchers!

We got to visit Sky’s the Limit Observatory and stare at the sun through a telescope! We also got to see the world’s ONLY to-scale orrery as well as learn all about the constellations above us!

Chris gave us the best sky-talk EVER and taught us about the birth and death of stars, our galaxy, and all the interesting phenomenons happening in it!

The kids got to show off their interests and talents at a kids marketplace where homemade treats were offered, stop motion tutorials, massages, games and whatever else they got creative about! Allowing kids to express themselves and immerse themselves in the world of entrepreneurship. So many successful businesses were created at this event!

In the middle of the week we tent camped inside Joshua Tree National park and spent the night around campfires and gazing up at all the wonder we had gotten to learn about all week!

The Joshua Tree Half Marathon took place at the end of the week where Noelle and a few others actually participated and completed the whole 13.1 miles! All the kids were great supporters and made encouraging signs for all the runners.

Connections were made, experiences were had, and everyone walked away with knowledge and memories to carry with them wherever they go. Remember, adventure is out there, so follow YOUR adventurous spirit!

Created & hosted by The Adventurous Spirit (formerly known as Fulltime Family Adventures) and The Republic of Nomads!

January 1

New Perspective